
Comprehensive Cybersecurity assessment in under a week

Casino takes proactive measures to ensure business continuity.

Key Outcomes


Accelerated 5-day security Assessment


Minimal Impact on day-to-day business operations


Vulnerabilities discovered and patched within 24 hrs

The Situation

Every moment counts after a cyber-attack. Damage can occur immediately and create a catastrophic situation. When Seven Feathers Casino Resort’s CTO Richard Rader became aware of the industry breach, he wanted to ensure they were not at risk. At that moment, awareness of potential hacks was high throughout the casino industry. A recent breach had brought a busy Northern California Casino to its knees and caused a 21-day shutdown. The loss of nearly a month’s revenue was substantial.


Rader needed assurance that the Seven Feathers business was secure and that they had not been compromised. With a small security team and limited security tools, the task was insurmountable. Richard wanted to partner with a cybersecurity firm that


  • Would complement their security team and in the process train them

  • Was affordable and within his budget

  • Had minimal impact on their business operation

  • Would maintain ALL customer data on-premises to meet regulatory requirements.

  • Provided a report with evaluation of critical findings

Approach, Solution and Outcome

Eliminate Cyber Risk With DruvStar

We’re here to help. Reach out to schedule an introductory call and learn more about how DruvStar can benefit your organization.

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